Additional painting agents, such as oils and thinners, are essential when working with oil paints, as they change the consistency of the paint, the intensity of the colour and the drying speed. Oils, such as linseed oil, are often used to dilute the paint, as they add transparency and gloss to the paint, but can increase drying time. Diluting the paint with oil can create a smooth colour transition, but there is a risk of yellowing the painting.
Linseed oil is the most commonly used, but some artists prefer sunflower or poppy seed oil to reduce the chance of yellowing. It is important to be aware that some oils, such as olive, are not suitable for painting because they do not dry. Binders such as linseed, poppy or sunflower oils help to form the paint film and have different drying rates and properties.
Turpentine changes the texture and intensity of the oil, but can also be used as an excellent thinner for paints. Turpentine accelerates the drying time of paint.